sexta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2013

Hi we are the exchange students: Wendy (Ecuador), Sebastian (Germany), Naomi (Taiwan), Fah (Thailand), Naiomi (Taiwan), Charly (Germany),  Laura Andrea (Mexico), Kathi (Austria) and Wei (Taiwan) !!! We are now at Pantanal and this is so EXCITING  !! 

We are playing domino, we already saw jacare, arara azul, tulcan, lagarto, cacatus and a lot of exchange students  :D

Today at night we finally have our PARTY with a lot of Brasilian music (funk) we are going to dance arrocha too, and we are going to be also with a lot of mosquitos.

Tomorrow we are going to Bonito and we are going to have a lot of fun like always :D :D :D
We hope you see all our pictures, and maybe you are going to be jealous  :P

We went to safari, a boat trip and ride horses. It was fun. It is really hot K

The Taiwanese guys can´t do this sound: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

We don´t have internet and that’s sad, but it will be good for us to be without technology.
Pan Pan Pan..!!!

Piripipiripipiripipiripipiradinha ela ta doidona, ela ta doidinha piripipiripipiripiradinha el ata maluca fora da casinha..!!

Agora eu fiquei doce doce doce doce!!


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